Saturday, July 19, 2008

YIKES! What Do I Need to get Started in Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing is quite a versatile business.

Some internet marketers actually go to work in an office for a boss that looks over their shoulder and are paid an hourly wage to input data. For others like myself, this sounds too much like a JOB! I chose internet marketing because of the flexibility it allows me in my life. I can work from home in my jammies at 3 AM if I want, or I can take my laptop down to the beach and listen to the surf roll in while I check my e-mails.

Don't get me wrong, internet marketing is work ... it is not a get rich quick scheme dreamed up by shady marketers, but an honest to goodness profession that requires focus, dedication and motivation to become a success!

Brick and mortar businesses usually require significant working capital to get up and running ... you know rent, telephone systems, electricity, advertising budgets, not to mention purchasing products for your particular business.

If you want to make money online from an internet marketing business then you get away with much less "up front" costs if you decide to work at home.

To get started you will need a computer. I like to use my laptop because of its portability. I have carried my laptop all over the world with me and have been able to make quick checks on my internet business from Europe to Honduras, the United States to the Bahamas. That is the WAY COOL thing about e-commerce ... as long as you have access to a hot spot, you are connected to the world! In the picture here I was visiting Guanaja, one of the Bay Islands of Honduras. I found an internet cafe, plugged in my USB stick and began writing down some info with a green crayon that I bummed off one of the local kids! Flexibility is a must!

The next thing you will need is an internet connection. A high speed connection is always preferable over dial up, but you take what you can get. Believe me, I have been in some very remote areas of the world and was surprised at the high speed connections available! If for some reason you cannot afford an internet connection you can always go hang out at your local McDonalds or Starbucks ... they provide FREE WiFi service for the price of a cup of coffee.

I also like to back up all my stuff on a handy, dandy USB stick. In a pinch you can plug this baby into any computer with a USB port and get to work. You can buy these for "cheap" at places like, they will hold up to 8 GB of information and that, my friends, is a whole bunch of info! These tiny lifesavers come in all kinds of neat designs like the VW cars or you can have them with dual purpose, like a pen or key chain. Be sure to check these out.

A telephone is nice to have, but much of your verbal communication can be done VOIP, or voice over the internet with either a headset or handset and VOIP, if not free, is VERY inexpensive.

These are the basics to begin your Top 10 internet marketing business. That, and of course a desire to succeed. Are you up for the challenge?


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