Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cool Beans!

This new sidewiki looks pretty cool and I bet will save me a ton of time. Looking forward to checking it out!


in reference to:

"Google Toolbar with Sidewiki"
- Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips - Email, What Email?

Top 10 internet marketing tips
wants to pass along this handy tidbit for the next time you are searching for that email you were supposed to receive .... for those of us that work from home and are legitimate affiliate marketers this can be a real pain in the neck

Not Receiving Emails? (conformations, validations, regular ads)

First thing to do is check your spam or bulk folder to see if the messages ended up in the wrong folder. If so you may want to turn down your filtering or spam guard.

However, there are many email providers now that completely block emails coming from email servers. It does reduce the spam, but it also provides a dis-service as it also keeps out many wanted emails as well. This is known as "Port 25 Blocking". Here is a list of known port 25 blocking emails. If you use one of these email you will need to change that account as our emails will not be able to get through.

  • AT&T
  • Cox
  • MediaOne
  • RoadRunner
  • BellSouth
  • EarthLink
  • MindSpring
  • RunBox
  • CableOne
  • Flashnet
  • MSN
  • Sprynet
  • Charter
  • Hotmail
  • NetZero
  • USA
  • Comcast
  • Juno
  • Post
  • Verizon
A good link to read more info on port 25.

Can you say Big Brother is watching?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Top 10 Internet Tips - Virtual Abundance Expo!

Here's the real deal of top 10 internet marketing tips ... the Virtual Abundance Expo!

Here's an important question:

During these turbulent economic times, are you finding it harder to keep an "Abundant" mindset?

If your head is nodding "YES"...

... then I have a unique and very affordable solutio
n that will help you turn a "scarcity" mindset into an "ABUNDANT" one. You won't even have to leave your living room or office to get access to this very special experience.

Get the full story Right Here

If your schedule doesn't permit you to attend live, get involved anyway because their "REPLAY"option will be perfect for you. I'm giving this event my highest recommendation, so take a moment to read the full story while it's still fresh on your mind.

To more abundance,

Denise C. Clarke

P.S. If you want a 2nd opinion
from your friends or colleagues, just forward this blog to them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Top 10 Internet Tips - Facebook ROCKS!

Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips comes through again with a winner.

Facebook ROCKS ... and with over 220 million users, it is the largest social networking site on the Internet!

If you understand the concept of viral marketing you will totally "get this." Sean Bridger and Brad Cusworth have brought out an amazing new product called Facebook Tutorials.

It's basically a 20 video step by step guide teaching you everything you need to know about Facebook. Watch the video and listen to what they say ... then click here for more information ...

Even if you think you know a lot about Facebook, you will be amazed by how much more there is to know!

Bottom line, click here, the Tutorials will teach you how to build relationships, generate leads and make more money today by utilizing the power of Facebook!

BTW ... they are also giving away over $500 worth of bonuses!

This may be the number one internet marketing tip this year.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Top 10 Internet Tips - $94,526 a Month on Twitter?

Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips ... from me to YOU!

$94,526 a Month on Twitter?


My friends Perry Belcher & Ryan Deiss have finally penetrated Twitter's cash vault.

They cash in on Facebook & YouTube too!

They just released 2 FREE Cheat Sheets that Come with FREE 15 Training Videos that you need to get before it's too late.

It's Called the "Social Media Matrix"

It's 100% Free Grab Yours FREE right HERE

These guys make $94K + per month on social media sites. AMAZING!

Perry and Ryan have emerged as the true pioneers of social media marketing building an army of over 130,000 followers in just 9 months

Discover how to get your share even if it's a few hundred dollars a week while your watching TV, or a whole new

This information won't be free for long.

Go get yours now RIGHT HERE

Best Wishes to Fast Profits

Denise Clarke

P.S. The entire plan is laid out in hand drawn cartoons so it's easy to understand.

Claim your FREE copy now

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top 10 Tips - Google Search Options ...

Google's Search options let you slice and dice your search results, explore your search and generate different views of your results page to more easily and quickly find what you need.

great video and certainly up in the top 10 internet marketing tips!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Top 10 Tips .. Google Yourself and Like it!

Almost at "the very top of the top 10 Internet marketing tips" is to remember ... GOOGLE is watching ... and if they don't see it now, give it a few weeks and it will show up in the rankings. Especially, if you wish it would just go away ... LOL! Personal branding is the name of the game in this day and age ... it is important to Google yourself, often ... no you won't go blind ... find out where you stand in the whole scheme of things. Find out what other people see about you.

Successful people on the Internet are the ones that stay informed!

Personal branding in the age of Google

A friend advertised on Craigslist for a housekeeper.

Three interesting resumes came to the top. She googled each person's name.

The first search turned up a MySpace page. There was a picture of the applicant, drinking beer from a funnel. Under hobbies, the first entry was, "binge drinking."

The second search turned up a personal blog ... a good one, actually. The most recent entry said something like, "I am applying for some menial jobs that are below me, and I'm annoyed by it. I'll certainly quit the minute I sell a few paintings."

And the third? There were only six matches, and the sixth was from the local police department, indicating that the applicant had been arrested for shoplifting two years earlier.

Three for three.

Google never forgets.

Of course, you don't have to be a drunk, a thief or a bitter failure for this to backfire. Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Internet Marketing Tips ... I am all a Twitter ... LOL!

When you think about internet marketing tips, one of the top things you have to consider is Twitter ... those sweet little micro blogs of only 140 characters ...

Do YOU tweet?

Do you want to tweet? What the heck is all the fuss about Twitter, anyway?

Twitter is now incorporating search functionality into its site. What does this mean to you the internet marketing professional? It means you can now easily find out the popular trend data for keywords and know what people are talking about in real time.

So what is the big deal about all of this? That of course is still up in the air. Many people think that Twitter is on the heels of Google already and others say that Twitter is no competition.

Both sides have good points, but there is no denying that Twitter is a race horse with a great potential.

Twitter recently turned down an offer from Facebook for $500 million. With its business model of questions, answers and search ads, you can see why. Not to mention the fact that Facebook is trying to keep pace by adding various Twitter like functions…

Some people can’t see much value in Twitter ... calling it just another social media site for friends to chat with each other. What many don’t realize is the fact that Twitter is an extremely large pool of information based on our personal lives ... all the good stuff which is invaluable to the savvy marketer.

Twitter is still a baby compared to Google and may require years before being able to develop the technology and accuracy of Google’s search results, but it has all the right stuff to get there eventually. For right now, Google’s market share is safe!

Consider that Twitter communications are a true representation of the masses’ opinions. People can log on and get answers from people they trust. After all, they have their own network of people who they’ve already established relationships with. Google gives great results, but they are impersonal and many times inaccurate.

In addition to that, information gathered on Twitter is more relevant to one’s location. With the personal profiles, and the ability to send messages from mobile devices, Twitter can leverage this value and exploit what it can do and Google can’t.

Twitter is quickly proving it is the future of search. Its power lies in the fact that it enables people to get the opinions of others in regards to relevant current information. When searching, people want real opinions as well as the facts. Twitter is the answer!

Imagine typing something into Google and seeing all of the results pop up … these results are put there from businesses and individuals who want you to believe certain things about their product or service. Well, what if in addition to that, it had thousands of third party opinions that have no vested interest in those products or services? Just imagine if all those opinions came from people you know? This is the key to Twitter ... and if it plays it’s cards right, it will be siphoning off Google clicks in a few short years .... Oh MY!

The world could be twitterific very soon!

BTW ... you can follow us at: